Use Case: Dealer Advocacy

Amplify reach and grow your brand through your dealer network

Solidify your relationship with your resellers and streamline branded content & messaging to amp up your brand presence and awareness with Ambassify.

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Customers who are growing their brands with dealer advocacy
  • Stihl logo
  • Yanmar logo
  • Volvo logo
  • Nationale Loterij logo
  • Logo_Swiss_Life
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How Swiss Life centralizes content distribution

With 'Multiple Clicks' campaigns, Swiss Life Germany shares downloadables and visuals with its members to ensure constant access to pre-approved and branded assets for social media campaigns.

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How MLI shares media on Instagram & Pinterest

Modular Lighting Instruments enhances its brand awareness and social media presence on Instagram and Pinterest by sharing social share campaigns for the dealers to share videos and images.

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How Kramp unifies its branding across dealer channels

With social share campaigns, Kramp shares news, product updates, videos, and promo visuals for its Powered by Kramp shops to post on social media with unique and branded messaging.


Solidify your brand presence together with your dealer network

By choosing Ambassify, you offer your reseller network a hands-on and frictionless platform to enable them to engage with a wide range of content, establish a smoother and more productive two-way communication while improving and facilitating typical content distribution.


Unify your branding and messaging to enhance social media presence

Dealers can't keep up with branding requirements and guidelines, messaging, and merchandising standards for all the brands they keep in store.

With Ambassify, you can share branded visuals and messaging with your dealer network to make sure you're always offering a consistent and unified branded experience.

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Tap into the loyal network of your dealers to expand social reach

Dealers have an established, trusted network of customers who come back to them for their reliable expertise.

Share your branded assets and content with them to easily access, download, or share in a couple of clicks and spread brand knowledge and awareness on social media.

Track dealer activity and performance with custom reporting

Custom dashboards can be enabled on Ambassify to visually measure individual dealer activity, identify top performers, and track trends in your community directly on the Ambassify platform.

Read more about custom reporting
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Empower your dealers with an effortless content-sharing tool

Dealers can't be expected to craft dedicated posts for each new item or brand, always lacking time or creativity to do so.

With Ambassify, you can easily share tailored content for them to share onto their social media channels directly from the Ambassify platform, in only a few clicks.

See how it works

Want a real-life example?

See how our clients amplified their reach and grew their brand through dealer advocacy



How STIHL amplifies its branded content through its dealer network

Find out how STIHL  manages the distribution of customized content and messaging to its dealers with the Ambassify platform and thus increases social media reach & engagement among its members and partners.

Download customer story