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The Different Types of Employer Branding

Written by Bruce | Jul 19, 2023 1:13:43 PM

There are different types of employer branding, each with its own focus and goals. Here are some of the most common types of employer branding:

  • Internal employer branding: This type of employer branding focuses on employees. It is about creating a positive and engaging work environment and ensuring employees are proud to work for the company.
  • External employer branding: This type of employer branding focuses on potential employees. It is about attracting and recruiting top talent and positioning the company as a desirable workplace.
  • Candidate experience branding: This employer branding focuses on the candidate's experience. It is about making the hiring process as smooth and positive as possible and ensuring that candidates have a positive impression of the company.
  • Employee advocacy branding: This kind of employer branding focuses on employees as brand ambassadors. It is about encouraging employees to share their positive experiences working for the company and to promote the company to their networks.

Each type of employer branding has its own unique benefits. Internal employer branding can help to improve employee morale, productivity, and retention. External employer branding can help attract top talent and position the company as a desirable workplace. Candidate experience branding can help to improve the company's reputation as an employer and to make it easier to attract top talent. Employee advocacy branding can help to spread the word about the company and to attract new employees.

The best type of employer branding for a company will depend on its specific goals and objectives. However, all companies can benefit from implementing some form of employer branding.

How to Choose the Right Type of Employer Branding

There are a few factors to consider when choosing the right type of employer branding for your company. These factors include:

  • Your company's size and industry: Larger companies with strong brands may be able to focus on external employer branding, while smaller companies may need to focus on internal employer branding.
  • Your company's culture and values: Your company's culture and values should be reflected in your employer branding. For example, if your company is focused on innovation, you should highlight your company's commitment to research and development in your employer branding.
  • Your company's goals and objectives: Your employer branding should be aligned with your company's goals and objectives. For example, if your company wants to attract top talent, you should focus on external employer branding.

Once you have considered these factors, you can choose the right type of employer branding for your company.

How to Implement Employer Branding

Once you have chosen the correct type of employer branding for your company, you need to implement it. There are a few key things to keep in mind when implementing employer branding:

  • Be authentic: Your employer branding should be authentic and genuine. Employees and potential employees will be able to tell if you are being fake, so it is essential to be honest about your company's culture and values.
  • Be consistent: Your employer branding should be consistent across all channels. This means that your website, social media, and marketing materials should all be consistent with your employer's branding message.
  • Be measurable: You should be able to measure the effectiveness of your employer branding. This means tracking website traffic, social media engagement, and job applications.

Employer branding is an important tool for attracting and retaining top talent. By choosing the proper employer branding strategy and implementing it effectively, you can create a positive image of your company as an employer and attract the best and brightest talent to your team.