The estimated Return On Invest
of your Ambassify implementation
How is ROI calculated?
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The estimated ROI is based on the number of desired seats — or number of employees — and your average CPC. The amount is calculated by matching your input with the aggregated results of our current customer base already relying on employee advocacy.
If you want to understand these numbers better, take a more in-depth look at them or if you are eager to learn about the additional benefits on top of the cost-saving powers of Ambassify, feel free to get in touch!
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Estimated Shares
This is the estimated number of campaigns that your employees will share after a certain period when using the Ambassify platform.
The average share percentage has been derived from the sharing behavior of our total user group.
How is Shares calculated?
Estimation of the number of times someone has clicked on your campaign through a social media platform
Estimated Clicks
This is an estimation of the number of times someone has clicked on your campaign through a social media platform — in this case, LinkedIn —when your employees are also sharing your content on social media alongside your company page.
Beware, this does not include the likes or comments on the social media posts themselves, only the actual interaction with your content.
How is Clicks calculated?
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Estimated Reach
This equals the number of shares of each campaign multiplied by the collective number of your followers, friends, or connections your members have on social media who have seen your campaign — in this case, on LinkedIn.
Please note that this reach is the result of the organic reach achieved through employee networks.
How is Reach calculated?
Sum of the number of followers/connections of each participant who shared the campaign
The amount of users you can realistically
expect after 12 months
The estimated onboarding rate visualizes the amount of expected enrollment over one year — in other words, the number of employee advocates you will have gathered. Of course, there are several ways to onboard them which may affect the success rate over time.
The upper and lower graphs depict the maximum potential and floor, respectively. The middle graph is the average of our current customer base.
How is Onboarding calculated?
Here is the place where I should be explaining how we extracted tons of data from our database, took a look at how our clients use our platform, how big those companies are, and when people started joining their community.
There should be a formula in here, something like:
OP: Onboarding percentage per month
N: Nr of people in a company (extracted from LinkedIn)
S: Nr of Seats per month
S = OP * N;
However, this is a draft page and I'm also busy doing other stuff so this'll have to do for now. If you read this by any chance on a published page and not a draft page, then contact us immediately because this page is not supposed to be published with this content.