Work towards community goals together with your employees
From a good cause to save the planet to anything you can set your mind to. Create and define collective goals for your community to achieve together.

Increase the social involvement and engagement among Ambassadors
Set up common goals for you and your Ambassadors to work together towards. Give your employees collective and group challenges and see engagement rise as they work together to achieve them.
Set up a community goal for your members
As a manager, you can create collective goals to show in your community. You can configure different settings, such as name, description, and start and end date.

Add multiple objectives to every goal
Define specific objectives within one goal or every team or group in the community to motivate people and stimulate friendly competition.
Gather points with every campaign interaction
Every time an Ambassador interacts with a campaign and is rewarded, those points will be added up to the common goal. No need to actively donate them!