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Case Study: Administaff Social Media Strategy

Eager to learn how Administaff is doing in regards to social media marketing? Ambassify has created a report covering the unique aspect points and improvements for Administaff.

Continue reading to find out!

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Administaff is a multinational professional employer organization (PEO) that provides human resources solutions to small and medium-sized businesses. Headquartered in Houston, Texas, Administaff operates primarily in the United States, serving clients across various industries.

Before: The Challenges of Social Media Marketing

On social media, Administaff excels in several aspects. First and foremost, they actively engage with their audience by regularly posting informative and relevant content. Their posts include industry news, HR tips, and updates on the latest trends, ensuring their clients stay informed and up to date. This not only demonstrates their expertise but also helps in building trust and credibility with their followers.

Increase reach by sharing on social media
Ideas about KPIs and OKRs for employee advocacy

After: Administaff's Successful Social Media Strategy

Additionally, Administaff effectively utilizes various social media platforms to reach a wider audience. They have a strong presence on platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, allowing them to connect with different demographics and engage with potential clients. This multi-platform approach ensures that they have a broad online presence, increasing their chances of reaching their target market.


Furthermore, Administaff actively monitors and responds to customer feedback and inquiries on social media. They understand the importance of providing prompt and helpful responses, which enhances customer satisfaction and strengthens their brand reputation. By actively participating in conversations and addressing customer concerns, they show that they value their clients and are dedicated to providing excellent service.

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Learn how KBC - one of Belgium’s biggest banks - leveraged their employees to achieve stellar social media marketing results.

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