Ambassify Blog Posts

5 Major Problems for Social Media Managers and How to Solve Them

Written by Camilla Brambilla Pisoni | August 26, 2024

Fact: being a social media manager is not easy. 

From curating engaging content to appeal to a variegated audience to responding to customer inquiries in real time, the pressure to keep up with the relentless pace of social media can be overwhelming. Not to mention the struggle of juggling multiple platforms, maintaining brand consistency, and keeping engagement levels high at all times while possibly making that post “go viral” — as if all it took to do that was a snap of the fingers.

Yet, despite their best efforts, social media managers often face a set of recurring challenges that can hinder their effectiveness. These problems range from content fatigue and algorithm changes to the constant demand for fresh, authentic engagement that resonates with audiences. 

The truth is that managing social media in isolation can feel like trying to hold back the tide. But what if there was a way to turn these challenges into a strategic advantage? Let’s explore the 5 major problems that plague social media managers and how to solve them.

1. No company content will be shared while you take time off

As a social media manager, you ensure company content gets shared and spread online. In fact, you might even be the sole responsible for that. Posting company content on social media is crucial for branding reasons but also to establish yourself as a top-of-mind brand and authority in your specific industry.

But what happens when you take time off? Between summer vacations or unexpected breaks during the year, always having a reliable team to take care of sharing company content on social media is important.

How can you solve this? Enter Ambassify, a platform that allows you to turn employees into social media advocates. With our tool, you can provide employees with all the branded, curated content you and your team create and have them share it on their own personal social media profiles. Employees can view, schedule, and share ready-made, approved, company-branded content in one click.

This way, you’ll be able to actually enjoy your time off without worrying about the big content gap on social media (or the amount of work waiting for you once you get back to work) and always make sure that the content gets out there.

2. Brand visibility will decrease if you’re inactive on social media

Brand visibility is always one of the top priorities for social media managers and a staple in any respectable social media marketing strategy. The more visible your brand is, the more likely you are to attract new customers and retain existing ones, and of course, social media platforms provide a unique opportunity to showcase your brand’s personality and values. 

Consistent and strategic social media presence ensures your brand remains relevant, competitive, and connected with your audience. And that’s why, as a social media manager, you might worry that all the hard work you did to get your company’s visibility to where it is now could actually be impacted by a few weeks of off time.

The truth is that your co-workers can take care of that while you’re off — or at any other time, really. Even better, they will amplify your brand visibility with effortless content sharing. Research shows that employee content sees a click-through rate that is 2x higher than corporate content because they are more trusted and perceived as more authentic.

Employee advocacy can easily solve this problem: organic visibility not only increases the reach of your posts without additional advertising spend but also contributes to higher engagement rates, as content from personal contacts often enjoys more interaction than corporate messaging. 

3. You curate content that gets little to no impressions

There is little to explain here: company pages are penalized by social media algorithms and get little to no impressions. And there goes all the hours you put into creating it.

A nifty way to change that is to let employees share your curated content on social media. According to Social Media Today, if you tap into employee networks, you enjoy up to 8x more engagement on social media.

Employee advocacy can easily help you skirt this problem and significantly boost your content's organic views and impressions instead: posts shared by employees are more likely to appear in feeds than those directly from company accounts, bypassing the limitations imposed by algorithms on corporate content. 

4. Finding ways to keep engagement high

Social media is all about engaging with your followers and audience, and that’s vital to making your content a success. However, making sure that engagement stays high at all times can be overwhelming. What resonates with your audience one day might fall flat the next, requiring social media managers to continually adapt their strategies.

A future-proof solution to generate engagement on posts and stimulate it even more is having your employees interact with your content and re-share it with their audience — a trusted network of like-minded people with a more meaningful connection with them than with a corporate account. 

Sure, you can use paid ads, but that’s not a sustainable solution in terms of budget or timeliness. Instead, imagine if 20 employees shared even just half of your posts. That’s 20x more engagement right there.

5. Struggling to be active on many different channels

I don’t need to explain to you how time- (and energy-)consuming it can be to constantly juggle several social media platforms at once and make sure that messaging is aligned, content is on point, branding is consistent, engagement is high, etc.

This is a problem plaguing many social media managers, and again, there is one simple solution: employee advocacy. Curate your content once and maximize its reach, visibility, and effectiveness by having employees share it on as many (or as few) social media channels as they prefer. Encourage them to switch it up and build up their presence on different platforms, but let your employees help you out.

With this trick, you’ll make sure to have a constant stream of approved company content appear on all platforms and reach a much vaster audience than your company page alone can manage.


Ambassify is an employee advocacy solution that helps companies tap into the network of their employees and help social media managers overcome their struggles with visibility, reach, and engagement. 

Advocacy is a solution that can cater to and suit different companies with different specific needs and requirements; all you have to do is empower your employees to become your advocates. Find out how employee advocacy can make your job as a Social Media Manager easier while you're on vacation (and beyond).